Become a friend of Masicorp

The name Masiphumelele literally means; “Let us Succeed” in IsiXhosa – and for those who live here, they are determined to break the vicious cycle of poverty. When we peer into the heart of Masi – we see so much potential and that keeps us striving to do even more for the people who live here.

It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that what we leave behind today has the power to shape a better tomorrow for all. The only way we can truly make a difference to people’s lives is through donations. These gifts allow us to continue our work for the community and in so doing, have a lasting impact on South Africa’s legacy.

Friendship isn’t about who you have known the longest. It’s about who came and never left your side.

- Yolanda Hadid

Become a Friend of Masicorp by pledging a monthly gift. For as little as R150 / $10 / £10 per month (or a once off annual fee), you will be helping us continue uplifting the community of Masiphumelele by providing quality education, training, advice and support at no cost to the many residents who benefit from our work each year.

Friends of Masicorp are always welcome to visit us. We have cemented our place in this vibrant community with YOUR help and when you come and visit us, you will see how the people are using their newfound skills to uplift themselves first-hand. Your monthly donation can help make dreams come true and help build a country that inspires us all again.