Give the Gift of Sight

We take so much for granted, don’t we? Think about it….
Meet Sizwe, a Grade 4 boy at Ukhanyo Primary School in Masiphumelele:

"My name is Sizwe and I go to school at Ukhanyo Primary each day. I try to pay attention when the teacher is writing on the board, but I can't see! I asked if I could sit closer to the board and that helps a bit. I don't want to struggle, I want to get myself a good education.
I know I need to have my eyes tested but my mother can't afford it and I don't want to ask her.
Sometimes I go to the English Hub after school. The last time I was there, Teacher Dolly saw my friend was reading to me – Zama always helps me!
She asked me to read the page myself and then saw me put the book close to my face because I couldn't read the words.
After that happened some aunties from outside the township came to the school to tell us they would be testing children like me who struggle to see. Some of us were put on a list to see a proper optometrist in Fish Hoek. I was one of the children on that list!
There are lots of us who need this test but the cost of the test plus the taxi fares and paying for the new glasses is too much money for most of us.”
Perhaps, since it is the SEASON OF GOODWILL, each of you could dig in your pockets and find R300 to help Sizwe and his friends who CANNOT SEE THE BOARD.
Click here to Give the Gift of Sight to children living in Masiphumelele.