More accolades for Ukhanyo coaches
8 Ukhanyo Coaches receive KFC mini-cricket coaching certificates
by Vince van der Bijl

KFC mini-cricket has been a real boost to our Ukhanyo cricket drive now staring at the under 7, 8 and 9 age group level. Mini-cricket ensures every player bats, bowls, fields and keeps wicket – so unique.
The KFC mini-cricket certificates were given out by Mr Michael Thyali, the Headmaster, at the school’s assembly of 1910 learners. It was an electric occasion with the proud and lovely singing of hymns in Xhosa that raised the roof, a sermon and then the handover of certificates that again produced loud cheering.
Teddy Nyali heads up the cricket section and Ukhanyo now has an array of talented coaches; added to these 8 who received certificates, we have David Lewis, ex Yorkshire player, living in Fish Hoek who mentors the coaches. He is semi-retired and like the coaches never misses a practice.
Nceba Jonas is so delighted that we have three academic teachers who have volunteered to coach cricket another who coaches soccer and two others who lead the cycling. The school is so energized by sport with the help of the coaches and those staff who coach after school.
We are very blessed.
We would also like to thank Mark Khoabane, who runs mini-cricket at the WPCA, who coached the coaches to these certificates.
Mini-cricket is alive and well in the Valley and the young children, boys and girls, love their Wednesday matches at Fish Hoek primary school with so many schools and organizations involved.
Thank you all for continuing to support this programme.
Vince van der Bijl
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